David Kohler
More and more swimming pool lifeguards use Restube lifeguard and Restube automatic as a rescue tool in the swimming pool
Bathing establishments have a long tradition in Europe. Beginning in Roman antiquity, followed by a bathing-filled Middle Ages to the sophisticated seaside resorts at the end of the 19th century. And even today, the experience of water - especially public baths - is of great social importance. There are more than 6,000 indoor, outdoor and natural pools in Germany alone.
Safety in public pools is essentially regulated by laws, ordinances and standards. KOK - short for Koordinierungskreis Bäder - provides a corresponding guideline that pool operators follow. Supervision in the pools is usually carried out by certified swimming masters, pool attendants or lifeguards from the DLRG or Wasserwacht. They have to meet high standards, as they must be able to "safely rescue drowning victims" (Operation of swimming pools, DGUV Rule 107-001).
The rescue and auxiliary equipment used is also crucial for safe pool operation and - in an emergency - effective rescue in the event of an accident. It is particularly important that they are always ready to hand and easy to use. And they must ensure that the rescuer does not endanger himself when using them in an operation.
Lifeguards and lifeguards from all over Germany have tested Restube and now use it in their daily work.
Restube lifeguard - for professional water rescue
Restube lifeguard is optimal for use in pool operations. It is small and easily stowed in a bag that the supervisory staff can really always carry with them when fastened to the belt around the waist. This means that additional buoyancy is really at hand immediately, because time is extremely precious in a worst-case scenario.
When wearing Restube lifeguard, both hands remain free and full range of motion is maintained, which in turn allows full concentration on the rescue situation. Restube lifeguard has almost no resistance in the water when not inflated, which speeds up the way to the casualty.
Once at the person in distress, a pull of the release button inflates the 80cm long bendable Restube lifeguard buoy in seconds, the pull & belay system slides out of the pocket automatically. Inflated, Restube lifeguard provides enough buoyancy at 75N to secure an adult of any stature, attachment is particularly easy and works from child to adult. The harness has an emergency opener that can be operated with one hand and immediately separates the aid from your own body, should the situation require it.
Restube lifeguard is reusable by screwing in a new original 16g CO2 cartridge and is easy to pack with a little practice.
Restube lifeguard was developed together with SLRG and DLRG lifeguards. Today, lifeguards worldwide rely on Restube lifeguard in their daily operations. Clemens Menge from the DLRG Konstanz says:
"When it comes down to it, seconds matter and buoyancy is the most effective way to protect against drowning. Restube lifeguard is compact enough to really carry it with you at all times. So, as trained lifeguards, we always have extra buoyancy with us and can react immediately."
Restube automatic - for rescue from a safe distance
Restube automatic is a special version of Restube that automatically inflates into a 65 cm buoy on contact with water. The compact system can therefore be thrown to an injured person from the edge of the pool. This can save crucial time and possibly defuse a critical situation immediately. In addition, the person helping does not put himself in danger.
In some baths Restube automatic buoys are placed freely accessible in the bathing area. The small and light bags allow unerring throwing, even by bathers. Thus, everyone can help others immediately, which in turn saves valuable time.
Restube automatic is in use in the wave pool of the Terrassenbad in the city of Baden, Switzerland. Andres Greter, operations manager at Terrassenbad and head of the water surfaces division, is responsible for it.
"Again and again, people overestimate themselves in the wave pool, especially children and young adults are not prepared for the force of the wave. If a dangerous situation arises, we can immediately turn off the waves by remote control. However, it takes some time for the water to calm down completely. To bridge this time Restube automatic is perfect for us. It is extremely handy and can be thrown in a targeted manner. During wave operation, up to four lifeguards are each equipped with a Restube automatic and carry it with them. This allows for quick and preventive intervention, namely before the person in question sinks."
Anja Gregor is a former competitive swimmer. Today, she is involved with Schwimmfix and works as a trainer for swimming courses at various schools or independent organizations, including the "Schwimm-Region Karlsruhe" eV. She teaches 5- and 6-year-old boys and girls how to swim and teaches older children with a migration background. Currently she is active in the "SchwimmMobil Wundine on Wheels" of the Josef Wundstiftung.
"In the swimming lessons, I stand at the edge of the pool and am usually alone with the children. Restube makes my work much easier, especially with beginner swimmers. Thanks to Restube, the children have arm and leg room and can (or rather must) stay afloat and progress independently. Restube not only gives the children more security, but also gives me a great deal of freedom. It gives me the opportunity to focus on the individual needs of the participants."
Restube lifeguard and Restube automatic are available as individual products and also in the practical use cases incl. replacement cartridges.
Click here to schedule an appointment with us or request a free sample.